Give your family a ‘sweet treat’ this summer! Freeze-dried candy is always a customer favorite and is by far one of the tastiest things your freeze dryer is capable of. Below is a list of some ideas to get you started! Nerds Gummy Clusters Different candies can be fun to experiment with in your freeze […]
National Blueberry Muffin Day
July 11th is National Blueberry Muffin Day. There’s nothing better than sinking your teeth into a homemade blueberry muffin on a summer day. Blueberries are a superfood of sorts – they are ranked number one in antioxidant health benefits and are packed with vitamins and nutrients. Blueberries are also known to reduce heart disease and cancer. Blueberries […]
Comparing our Different Vacuum Pump Options
Freeze drying does not happen unless there is a complete vacuum during the process. That is why all freeze dryers have to also have a vacuum pump. Harvest Right currently offers our standard oil pump along with two upgrade vacuum pump options. One of the most common question we are asked is “what’s the differences […]
Save your garden, save money
According to the National Gardening Association, more than a third of U.S. households now grow some of their own food. While most people decide to garden as a hobby, the best part about this hobby is it can save you money. A well-maintained garden can yield about ½ pound of produce per square foot. That […]
Methods for Storing Preserved Food
When storing food long term, it is critical to not allow bacteria to destroy your food. Bacteria need moisture, oxygen, light, and warmth to grow. Freeze drying food is great at eliminating moisture, but it still needs to be stored properly to ensure long-term usage. Mylar bags are great at not allowing in light or […]
Freeze Drying Venison
Native Americans ate the animals that they could hunt and kill. The first Europeans in the New World used muskets to provide food for themselves. The meal at the very first Thanksgiving between pilgrims and Native Americans included venison. As far back as you can go, Americans have been eating venison, but why? To many […]
Tips on what makes the best RV food
There’s nothing like packing up an RV or trailer and hitting the open road on an adventure. Traveling by RV is fun, perfect for families, and budget friendly. On average, an RV vacation is 50% less expensive than a normal vacation. A lot of the savings is in cutting out hotel and restaurant costs. Being […]
Be Healthy by Owning a Pet
About 67% of American families are pet owners. For many, the family dog or cat is just another member of the family. Being a part of a loving family is definitely a benefit to the animal, but did you know that the entire family benefits from having a pet? Studies show that growing up with […]
Eat some freeze-dried food on your next nature walk
People spend a lot of time indoors. They spend their days at work staring at blue screens to then go home and stare at a TV screen. Eventually something breaks and they just have to get outside. Besides getting a change of scenery, there are also health benefits to getting outside and getting into nature. […]
Winner of a Medium Freeze Dryer
Congratulations to Aron! He is the winner of a medium Harvest Right freeze dryer. Enter our new giveaway here.