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Delicious Desserts with Powdered Freeze Dried Ingredients

Lately we’ve been experimenting with adding powdered fruits to recipes for an added flavor boost. You can also add powdered ingredients to desserts for another layer of flavor and texture. For example, freeze-dried marshmallows are fun to eat alone, but they also add a creamy sweetness to melted chocolate or a crunchy texture to your […]

Holiday Gift Giving

The holidays are upon us. Does December seem to fly by without the opportunity for things that are most important: spending time with those closest to you, taking time for yourself: time to relax and enjoy the lights and music of the season, and doing kind deeds for others?  We think those things should be […]

National Preparedness Month

Did you know that September is National Preparedness Month? It’s the perfect time for you and your family to get ready in the chance of an emergency like a tornado, severe weather, earthquake, flood, terrorism, etc. It serves as a reminder that we all must take action to prepare, not only during the month of […]

Freeze-Dried Garden Seeds

Recently, the head engineer at Harvest Right wondered what would happen if he freeze-dried seeds. Would they germinate? He freeze dried 10 different types of vegetable seeds, started them under grow lights inside his home, then transplanted them in a Garden Right geodesic dome greenhouse. It worked! Every single one of the seeds germinated – but […]

Freeze Drying vs. Dehydrating: Which is Better?

Of the food preservation methods, freeze drying and dehydrating seem similar, but they are actually very different processes. Dehydrating only removes some of the water from food, so dehydrated food often has a short shelf life and a sometimes a thicker, chewy-type texture. Freeze drying on the other hand removes nearly all of the water […]

How Much Energy Does Freeze-Drying Use?

Freeze drying four trays of food in a Harvest Right freeze dryer takes between 24 and 36 hours. You can freeze dry about 6-10 pounds of fresh food in each batch. One of the great benefits of freeze drying is that it can save you money by allowing you to buy food in bulk and preserve your […]