If you live in Hawai’i or similar climate, you’re lucky enough to have the ability to grow an abundance of fruit trees and bushes in your own yard. The majority of us don’t have that luxury, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy growing miniature or hardy varieties of popular fruits. Here’s a list of […]
Five Nutrient-Dense Foods to Freeze Dry
When you can freeze dry your own food, you get the added benefit of storing food that you’ve grown or chosen yourself. You can reduce or eliminate preservatives and chemicals and create your own healthy combinations of stored meals. If you’re interested in boosting the nutritional impact of freeze drying your own food, here are […]
Share an In-Home Freeze Dryer for Even More Savings
What Are the Advantages of an In-Home Freeze Dryer? The benefits of having access to an in-home freeze dryer are many, and if you own an in-home freeze dryer yourself, you can spread those advantages around to the people you know, saving you even more money. Freeze drying at home will help you spend less […]
Five Fruits and Vegetables You Need to Try
It’s that wonderful time of year when community supported agriculture (CSA) boxes start to arrive on subscriber’s porches, the farmer’s market is piled high with goodies and the produce section of the grocery store is at it’s peak. Part of the fun of a CSA box or cruising the outdoor markets and produce sections in […]
Saving Money with a Home Freeze Dryer
The EPA reports “more food reaches landfills and incinerators than any other single material in municipal solid waste. In fact, it’s about 36 millions tons of food waste every year. The average family throws about $2,275 worth of food every year, or about $165 billion dollars per year in the U.S. Not only does food […]