Stays in vacuum freezing mode and wont go into dry

If your freeze dryer is stuck in vacuum freezing mode and won’t transition into dry mode, it could be due to a few reasons:

  1. The vacuum pump might not be achieving the required vacuum pressure. Please ensure that your vacuum pump power switch is in the on (I) position, the drain valve is securely closed, the vacuum pump is tightly connected on both sides, and that your freeze dryer door is sealing to your door gasket. If you have an oil pump, ensure the oil is clean and transparent when you look at it through the sight glass. Here is a helpful video on High Pressure Vacuum Checks: High Pressure Vacuum Checks Video
  1. If the issue persists, it could be a software glitch. Updating to the latest software version might fix the problem.
  2. If the problem still persists, it might be due to the pump itself not being able to pull the vacuum pressure low enough to freeze dry your food. In order to assess this, please reach out to our Customer Support Team or submit a helpdesk request for assistance diagnosing the issue with your pump. Please include the log files from your freeze dryer in your request form.

Remember to give your freeze dryer 10 minutes to see if it continues or reverts back into ‘Additional Freeze Time Needed’ after performing these checks.