How do I test the relays in my freeze dryer?

If you suspect that your relays have failed and you are within your warranty period, contact Harvest Right Customer Service directly so that we may assist you further. Opening up the machine without direction from an authorized service agent will void the warranty.

If your machine is outside of the warranty period and you wish to test the computer relays in your Harvest Right freeze dryer, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug the machine & Remove Panels: First, ensure the freeze dryer is unplugged from the power source. Then, remove the outer panels to access the internal components.
  2. Access Test Screens: Plug the freeze dryer back in and power it on. Navigate to the Functional Testing screen.
  3. Test Drain Valve: Try activating the drain/aux toggle through the test screen. If it doesn't click or light up, the firmware may need an update, which can be done by contacting technical support.
  4. Test Suspected Component: Turn on the component that isn't working properly, such as the vacuum pump, through the test screen. Listen for a click and look for illumination on the corresponding relay.
  5. Re-Route Wires: If the relay engages (clicks and illuminates) but the component doesn't activate, disconnect the wires from the suspected faulty relay and connect them to a known working relay, like the drain relay.
  6. Retest Component: After rerouting the wires, activate the drain/aux toggle through the test screen. If the component now activates, this indicates that the original relay is likely faulty.

If you confirm that a relay is faulty, the next step would be to replace the relay board. For detailed instructions and safety precautions, refer to the official Harvest Right resources or contact Customer Support for guidance.

For a visual guide on how to perform these tests, you can watch the video "Testing Computer Relays".